AWS Storage Services - A Comparison - AWS Certification

Difference between AWS Storage Services

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In this read, we will take a good look at some of the differences between different AWS Storage Services i.e. S3, EBS, and EFS. Let’s get started.

Attributes Amazon S3 Amazon EBS Amazon EFS
  Stands for Simple storage service Stands for Elastic block store Stands for Elastic file system
Storage type Object storage that can store any kind of data in any format Persistent block-level storage for the EC2 instances POSIX compliant file storage system for the EC2 instances
Feature(s) Accessible to anyone or any service with the rightful permissions Best for workloads that require lowest latency data access from the single EC2 instance Provides a file system interface and concurrent accessible storage for the multiple EC2 instances
Maximum storage size Unlimited 16 TiB for single volumne Unlimited system size
Maximum file size Single S3 object can range in size from a minimum of 0 bytes to a maximum of 5 TB Equivalent to the maximum size of the volumes 47.9 TiB for a single file
Scalability Highly scalable Can manually increase or decrease the memory size. We can attach and detach additional volumes to and from EC2 instances to offer scalability Elastic in nature and can automatically increase or decrease as we add or remove files
Availability S3 standard - 99.99%, S3 standard IA - 99.9%, S3 OneZone IA - 99.5% Has an availability of 99.99% Offers no service level agreement and runs in multiple availability zones
Encryption methods Supports SSL end-points using HTTPS, Client-side and Service side encryption (such as SSE-S3, SSE-C, or SSE-KMS) Encryptes both data at rest and in transit through the EBS encryption that uses AWS Key management service - Client management keys Encryptes both data at rest by using AWS key management service and in transit by using TLS 1.2
Durability Stored across multiple availability zones and offers the durability of 99.999999999% Stored in a single availability zone Stored in multiple availability zones
Access control Uses bucket policies and IAM user policies. Has the Block Public Access feature to manage the global access to the bucket object(s) IAM roles, policies, or Security groups Resources that can access the mount point can access the file system
Backup and restoration Offers to version or cross-region replication Offers durable snapshot capabilities Offer EFS to EFS replication through AWS DataSync service or any third party tools
Real-time example(s) Best for web serving and content management media, backups, data lake, or big-data analytics Suitable for boot volumes, transaction and NoSQL databases, data warehousing, and ETL operations Best for database backups, containers, storage sets, web serving, etc.
Pricing Based on the S3 bucket location We pay a per-GB month of provisioned storage We pay based on the amount of file system storage per month

Good luck and Happy learning!

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