Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) vs Network Load Balancer (NLB) - A Difference - AWS Certification

Understanding the differences between Elastic Load Balancer and Network Load Balancer

In this tutorial, we will understand a basic comparison between Elastic Load Balancer and Network Load Balancer.

Attribute Elastic load balancer (ELB) Network load balancer (NLB)
Protocols Supports HTTP and HTTPS protocols Supports TCP, UDP, and TLS
Type Supports both internet-facing and internal Supports both internet-facing and internal
Supports health check YES YES
Cloudwatch logging and metrics YES YES
Connection draining (or deregistration delay) YES YES
Load balancing to multiple ports on same instances YES YES
Configurable idle connection timeout YES YES
Cross zone load balancing YES YES
Stickiness (or Sticky sessions) YES YES
Static IP address allocation (or the Elastic IP address) NO YES
Resource-based IAM permissions YES YES
Tag-based IAM permissions YES YES
CIDR based routing YES NO
Path-based routing YES NO
Host-based routing YES NO
HTTP header-based routing YES NO
Query string parameter-based routing YES NO
Fixed response YES NO
Lambda functions as targets YES NO
User authentication YES NO
SSL offloading YES YES

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